Asset Management
IT asset management is just one component in the successful operation of an enterprise. But, with so many daily tasks and business concerns taking precedence, managing computer equipment that’s no longer an active part of a company’s infrastructure can have an impact on the day-to-day operations. In addition, this often results in an inefficient IT department that can be fiscally more expensive to operate. To prevent this type of unnecessary increase in operational costs, CFOs and CIOs can find a practical solution in choosing a reputable IT asset management company to handle their unused IT assets.
Asset management enables you to know what assets you have, where they are, how they’re used, and how they’re performing for better decisions at any stage of an asset’s lifecycle. You can reduce software overspend and eliminate unnecessary and redundant licenses.
Asset Management designed to manage the life of your hardware and software from purchase through to disposal; and
Asset Intelligence, to discover and inventory owned hardware and software, connect with vendors to monitor new purchases, and track the software usage.
Track Devices and Data
One of the most challenging issues facing enterprise management is tracking hardware and data throughout the environment. Cal Cyber Lab offers state of the are asset management services keeping you up to data on what devices exist in your network, their warranty status, as well as their installed components Streamline your auditing process with instant reporting throughout the network.