Virtual Information Officer - Assignment
Meeting the requirements of having an in-house staff member on location servicing technical questions and resolving problems can alleviate wait times and reduce complex out-of-sight, out-of-mind situations.
Industry tested / experienced technicians and IT managers capable of placement based on your needs.
Time sensitive and critical process management with immediate response times and onsite staff member placement.
Temporary or permanent on-site duty stations. Explore Cal Cyber Lab's onsite options for IT personnel.
Out-Sourcing an onsite Technology expert has it's advantages, with personnel placement built directly into the service contract Cal Cyber Lab's onsite operations allow a technologist to be assigned to your duty station for specified hours during the day or week.

Resource Allocation Training and Support
Ensure your technologist has the most up to date training and tools to tackle new technologies in today's market.
All Cal Cyber Lab technicians are industry certified and field tested.
By allowing your IT manager to be outsourced with Cal Cyber Lab your Technology Manager has the availability of systems resources, training, and elevated support opportunities otherwise unavailable to in-house staff.
Providing a vast network of Sales, Support, Certification, Training , Networking, and Technologies, Cal Cyber Lab equips your team with the tools necessary to keep up with advancements in the tech space.
Extended service offerings enhancing and extending the capabilities of current placed IT staff.
Scale services as needed, enabling remote support and access instantly CalCyber Lab specializes in out of the box operations empowering remote work environments instantly available, instantly supported.